Gaelic Polytheism is a reconstructionist religion with a spirituality rooted in the gods, beliefs, and practices of the Gaels. In the menu at the top of this site you’ll find some basic information about what Gaelic Polytheism is, and what we believe.

For more information, the links and resources listed below will be useful, too. Please note, however, that the inclusion of a link or title is not intended to be an endorsement of any individual or organization.

Online Resources for Gaelic Polytheists

Irish Reconstructionist Polytheism
Gaol Naofa
Land, Sea, and Sky

Books – Recommended Reading

Pagan Portals – Irish Paganism: Reconstructing Irish Polytheism by Morgan Daimler
Pagan Portals – Gods and Goddesses of Ireland: A Guide to Irish Deities by Morgan Daimler
An Introduction to Gaelic Polytheism by Marissa Hegarty
Saining for Gaelic Polytheists by Marissa Hegarty
A Guide to Ogam Divination by Marissa Hegarty
Imbolc for Gaelic Polytheists by Marissa Hegarty
Beltaine for Gaelic Polytheists by Marissa Hegarty
Living Virtuously: A Pocket Guide for Gaelic Polytheists by DJ Mogh Bríghde
A Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts by Erynn Rowan Laurie
Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom by Erynn Rowan Laurie
The CR FAQ – An Introduction to Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism by Kathryn Price NicDhàna, C. Lee Vermeers, et al.

Social Media, Groups and Forums

Págánacht subreddit on Reddit
Pàganachd subreddit on Reddit
Gaelpol subreddit on Reddit
Celtic Reconstructionism subreddit on Reddit
Gaelic Polytheism group on Facebook
Celtic Polytheists group on Facebook
Gaol Naofa’s Youtube channel


The Adder’s Den
Aiceann agus Acair
Amhran nam Bandia
Bean Chaointe – Hearth Fires and Death Pyres
Hearth Light
Living Liminally
Mo Thearmann
Primal Heart
Sandplain Pagan
Seashells and Shamrocks
Scrawls at the Hearth Fire
Stone of Destiny
Tairis Tales
The Ever-Living Ones
The Fading Year
The Forge
Three Shouts from a Hilltop
Unfettered Wood


Finn Longman
Celebrating St. Bridget’s Day in Gaelic (Là Fhèill Brìghde)
Mary Jones
Notes on Celtic Paganism
CELT – Corpus of Electronic Texts Online
The Head of Donn Bó
The Tipperary Antiquarian